Signing into OneDrive on Windows 10 The OneDrive app is typically installed on all Windows 10 machines. You will need to sign into it with your email address before you can start using it. To sign in to the OneDrive Windows 10 app, open your start menu and find "OneDrive". Sign in with your Romanoff email address and choose "Work or School account". After you choose Work or school, OneDrive will prompt for your password. You will need to do your two-factor authentication to sign in. Next choose where OneDrive will sync files. The default location listed here is fine. Click Next. Next you can choose to sync local locations(files stored on your computer) to Cloud. This is up to you but I recommend checking these locations OFF to avoid confusion. Then click skip. Next you will get a brief tour and explanation of OneDrive. At the end of the tour, click the Open my OneDrive folder button. It will take you to the OneDrive syncing folder in your file browser. As you can see from my file browser, the folder icons listed under "OneDrive - Romanoff Group" are my "drives". These locations are locked down by security group. Only users invited to the drive will have access to it.