Abouttime: Job Number, Task Code or Employee not showing on app
When a device is synced, time records stored on the device are sent to the server to be reviewed in control center. Also during the same sync cycle, new job numbers, task codes and employee information are sent from the server to the device.
If a job number has been recently setup; the abt user will need to sync before they will see the job number.
If a task code has been recently setup; the abt user will need to sync before they will see the task code.
If an employee has been recently setup, the abt user will need to sync before they will see the employee.
Sometimes users will not see a job/task/employee that they've been using for weeks/months. There could be a behind the scenes error, either on the server or local device that causes this. Syncing also refreshes existing job/task/employee data stored on the device. So a job/task/employee that showed yesterday but does not show today, should show after a sync.