How to Use the RD Client iOS app to Access Session Desktop
You can use the new RD Client iPad app to login to your session desktop. From the session desktop, you can access network drives.
Below details how to use the app to subscribe to view your resources, login and finally navigate the session desktop to view drive files.
1) Start by opening the new RD Client app. At first login, you may be prompted to scan local network to add PCs, if you are, click no. Next you'll be prompted to grant the app Bluetooth permissions, click yes.
2) Next, navigate to the Workspaces tab at the bottom of the app. Then click the + button at the top left hand corner and click Add Workspace.
3) Fill your Romanoff email address in the dialogue box to search for assigned resources. When it successfully finds your assigned resources, you will see the workspace URL shown below. Click next.
TIP: If you know you are assigned resources, but using your email doesn't find anything, try to disconnect your iPad's wifi and try on cell data.
4) On the following screen you'll be asked to sign in. Login with your email address and password.
5) It will take a moment to prepare your workspace. Once it's finished, you will see the Session Desktop option under Default Workspace. Click the Session Desktop button.
6) Another login box will pop up with your username prefilled. There is no need to edit the username, what it prefills is correct. Enter your password again.
7) You'll be presented with a full Windows desktop, complete with drive access. Wait for the login script to finish (black box with yellow text), then navigate to the File Explorer folder icon at the bottom, expand the arrow next to "This PC",
You can click into the search field, then use the keyboard button at the top to search.
8) When you're finished, click the circle RD Client button in the top middle and click the little house icon to end the session.